About us

Our Story

Born from a small, brick-and-mortar retailer established by two tabletop gaming enthusiasts, FNX Distribution is the culmination of passion, resilience, and a commitment to improving the hobby and games industry. Our roots in the local community, coupled with our firsthand experience of the challenges faced by retailers, fuel our drive to elevate the gaming ecosystem.

Running a local store isn’t for the faint-hearted. Supply chain disruptions, eager yet disappointed customers, high overhead costs, and supplier dependencies are everyday realities. Despite these challenges, local stores remain the lifeblood of our industry—hosting events, fostering communities, and igniting the passion for new games. They are the heart and soul of our sector, and it was this recognition that inspired our transition to distribution.

IN 2011, we broadened our horizon to tackle the struggles we knew so well, evolving into a distributor that truly understood retailers’ needs. Starting with two brands and a few friendly stores, we used our retail insights to shape a new breed of distribution service—one that prioritizes seamless operations, fair pricing, and unwavering support. We aimed to lighten the load for local retailers, who, despite being the industry’s backbone, often carried the heaviest burdens.

Our commitment and relentless pursuit of operational excellence resonated. Without aggressive marketing or extensive online presence, our reputation grew organically. Word-of-mouth and satisfied customers were the most potent marketing tools we needed. We found our niche, filling a void that was begging for a solution.

Today, after numerous growth stages and warehouse shifts, FNX has become a formidable force in distribution, serving an ever-growing network of retail stores across multiple countries and handling an extensive roster of brands. We shifted from retail’s front lines to become its most reliable backbone, operating behind the scenes to ensure the ecosystem’s stability and prosperity.

Yet, we see this as just the beginning. We invite you to join our journey, to experience firsthand the value and passion we bring as a dedicated B2B service provider. Let’s grow together, foster success, and continue making a tangible impact in the world of hobby and games.

Our values

Value for money

Our operational efficiency guarantees you perceive the value of our partnership. We aspire to deliver unparalleled pricing, prompt transportation, and outstanding services. Whatever your needs, we ensure swift fulfillment.

Commitment to satisfaction

We empower retailers to scale new heights of success. Offering exceptional support, unmatched flexibility, and well-managed stock levels, we position ourselves as your strategic ally for growth. With FNX Distribution, success is not just an option—it’s a guarantee.

Unwavering Integrity

Trust forms the cornerstone of our partnerships. As your reliable ally, we are always ready to deliver the support you need, consistently prioritizing your interests and goals.

Fostering Future Generations

Our dedication extends to future generations. We champion the “Homo Ludens” – individuals who derive joy and creativity through play—while consciously adhering to environmentally-friendly, sustainable practices. Our vision? A positive, lasting impact on our shared future.

Driven by Passion

Our team, a blend of gaming enthusiasts and industry experts, shares a passion for the joy and community inherent to gaming. We relish sharing this passion with you, finding continual inspiration in the prospect of discovering new partners for play, learning, and growth.

Your contacts

Roland Kállai

Managing Director

András Faragó

Business Development

Edina Major

Costumer Service

Ádám Gargya

Inventory & Procurement

Mihály Tolvaj

Head of Operations

Lucia Királyfi-Kanyó

Warehouse Teamleader

The Team