The shipment containing the new model color range arrived in our storage facility, and we started to process and dispatch it to our partners. Sadly, Vallejo made two mistakes we need to manage on the way.
1. The production of the new racks took more time than Vallejo expected, so they haven’t reach us yet. This means there is a strong possibility you will get the paints but not the racks in time. We expect to post them to you at the end of April / early May.
2. Vallejo accidentally made some mistakes during the packaging of our order, which resulted in a situation where some colors did not arrive. As soon as we receive the missing colors, they will be included in the next shipment.

TAP was trying to do their best with the new Warpaints Fanatic range, half of the global wargamer community is eager to get some in their hands and put them on their miniatures. The expectation was so high TAP was not able to keep the production timeline, and they dispatched the shipments late.
The good news is the shipment is already on its way! We will receive our order in the middle of next week, which means there is a good chance you will receive it from us on week 17th, the week after the next one. Sorry for any inconveniences!